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Leslie Truex Speaker

Looking for an engaging, speaker that delivers tangible information and how-tos to your writing group? I’d love to come and share my tips, tricks, and insights!

I do in-person and virtual events and interviews. I have spoken at The Virginia Festival of the Book, The Virginia Writers Club Navigating Your Writing Life, Maryland Writers Association, Malice Domestic, Suffolk Mystery Author Festival, and more. I’ve also done workshops through Piedmont Virginia Community College’s Workforce Services.

I speak or do workshops on topics such as non-fiction writing, querying, working with an agent or publisher, and platform building. As my fiction writing alter-ego, I speak or do workshops on fiction writing (mystery and romance), revision, using dictation, and hybrid authorship. See my complete list of topics below.

For more information on my writing credits, visit my About Page.

You can contact me here to inquire about having me come speak.

Writing/Publishing Topics

Writing and Productivity
– How to Write Up to 5,000 Words Per Hour Using Dictation
– Author Automation and AI Tools for Affordable Productivity

Writing Genre
– How to Write a Mystery
– How to Write a Romance
– Understanding Genre: The Key to Selling Books

Writing Craft
– How to Immerse Your Reader into Story Using Deep POV

Agents and Publishers
– How to Get an Agent/Publisher
– How to Write a Synopsis
– How to Write a Book Proposal

Author Platform
– Author Platform Building
– Starting and Growing an Email List

Monetization for Authors
– Beyond Amazon: How Indie Authors Can Sell Wide and Direct
– Serials and Subscription Sales for Authors
– Make a Living Writing Online
– Merch Creation and Sales for Authors


Watch my 2019 workshop for LMOA on Getting Published

You can contact me here to inquire about having me come speak.