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Leslie Truex

Author | Entrepreneur

Leslie Truex

Leslie didn’t start out life wanting to be a writer or business owner, but in her quest to afford to stay home to raise her children, she designed a home-based career around writing and online income. She has been featured in Woman’s World, Redbook, Working Mother,, Fox Business, ABC News and more talking about working from home.

Today her kids are grown, but she still spends her time writing books, helping authors publish their books, and reading as much as she can.

About Me

Freelance Writer, Author, Speaker, Lit Agent, Wife, Mother 

I’m a bit of a renaissance woman in that I tend to move from career to career based on my passions. A social worker by training, once I had kids, I worked as a contract adoption social worker, and built online income through freelance writing, book authorship, blogging, and digital products. 

Once my kids were older, I discovered the joy of writing fiction, and now have over a dozen fiction books under a pen name, and have been a successful fiction ghost writer. I worked as a literary agent at Blue Ridge Literary Agency, until the agency’s closing at the end of 2023. 

I have delivered workshops and participated on panels as Leslie Truex and as my pen name at a host of book conferences including The Virginia Festival of the Book, The Virginia Writers Club Symposium, The Maryland Writers Association, Malice Domestic, Thrillerfest, Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival, and more. 

Today, I continue to freelance write, author books, speak, and in a recent pivot, offer author mentorship and manuscript/query support to authors. Having been through the process of writing, querying, and publishing in both fiction and nonfiction, I’m uniquely poised to help others navigate the publishing industry. 


Leslie Truex
Leslie Truex
novel organizer cover


Leslie Truex

Leslie is the author of The Work At Home Success Bible (2009 Adams Media), Digital Writer Success: How to Make a Living Blogging, Writing, and Publishing Online (2015 Koehler Books), and Jobs Online: How to Find and Get Hired to a Work-At-Home Job (2014 Moxie Vie Media).

Her articles have appeared on, Yahoo! Small Business, LIVESTRONG,, Personal Branding Blog, The Balance Small Business and more.

Jenna Harte

Leslie has written over a dozen fiction novels under the pen name Jenna Harte, including the Sophie Parker Coupon Mystery Series (Camel Books), the Southern Heat contemporary romance series (1st edition Penner Press, 2nd edition Moxie Vie Media, audio edition Tantor), and the Valentine Mysteries (Moxie Vie Media). She’s also the author of the nonfiction, The Authors Novel Organizer.